BDLI and UAV DACH in dialogue with German Minister of Transport Dr. Volker Wissing


High priority for drones and eVTOLs

The drone economy has a bright future in sight. At least if the remaining obstacles to the implementation of numerous UAS-based business models can be overcome. This is a goal that UAV DACH and the German Aerospace Industries Association are working towards in a variety of ways. And which is also being pursued by the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport.

Together with BDLI Managing Director Marie-Christine von Hahn, the two UAV DACH CEOs Dr. Gerald Wissel and Oliver Lichtenstein held a personal meeting with the German Federal Minister of Transport, Dr. Volker Wissing, to discuss how the future technology of UAS can be shaped in Germany and Europe and how economically, ecologically and socially sensible application scenarios for drones can be promoted. The discussion, which lasted more than an hour, focused primarily on how clear, pragmatic regulations for commercial UAS operations could be created and how the federal and state governments could lead the way as early adopters in terms of the use of drones. Not least in view of the AAM strategy presented at the end of last year, all participants agreed that drones and eVTOLs must be given a high priority in German and European (transport) policy. Dr. Volker Wissing emphasized that he would continue to advocate for the interests of unmanned aviation in the coming weeks and, if necessary, months until a new German government is formed.

How obstacles to unmanned aviation in Europe can be cleared will also be discussed on February 17 and 18. The EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM, organized by UAV DACH, will take place in Düsseldorf as part of the first XPONENTIAL Europe. Tickets for the leading UAS conference in Europe are available here:

Members of UAV DACH e.V. can also benefit from heavily discounted prices for participation in the EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM. For all information on membership and purchasing tickets at member conditions please contact