Perimeter Protection in Nuremberg


Drones to protect borders and critical infrastructure

From the shortage of skilled labour to self-protection and networked security concepts: Drones are the answer to many current questions in the Perimeter protection. Be it the monitoring of large areas, the securing of critical infrastructure, the efficient Situation awareness for major events or also the Border security. Uncooperative drones can also represent an additional task for perimeter protection.

As Europe's largest UAS-expert association, UAV DACH has been a long-standing partner of the Perimeter Protection. From 14 to 16 January 2025, manufacturers, users and service providers will next meet in Nuremberg to discuss the challenges and opportunities that drones present for securing sensitive areas.

The program, organised by UAV DACH at the international trade fair for perimeter protection, fencing technology and building security will then focus on the following topics, among others:

  • Large area monitoring and Border protection from the air: The increasing importance of drones in securing extensive areas and sensitive border regions.
  • Fulfilment of CRITIS-requirements due to drones: How unmanned aerial systems can be used to fulfil the legal requirements for the protection of critical infrastructure.
  • Efficiency and automation: innovative drone technologies in response to the shortage of skilled labour in the security sector.
  • Counter-UAS at major events: Practical examples and best practices for countering uncooperative drones at large events and functions

In their contributions, experts explain how unmanned aerial systems (UAS) can be used efficiently, legally compliant and without great effort for perimeter protection. They will also discuss how protective measures can be initiated effectively, promptly and efficiently as soon as a potential threat is detected.

Photo: NurembergMesse / Frank Boxler